Archive for EMI

emi warms up to the google love

Posted in news, OMG with tags , , , on 3 April 2008 by fugitempire

FUG IT is aimed at music fans, and talking about music we like, and we hope you like.  while we tap into industry news and goings-on for ourselves, we are not a music newswire as such, however some things are just too big to ignore.

1st april saw the announcement of a Google executive to head up EMI’s digital branch.  as most of you are probably well-aware, the big labels have been choking, their vast corporate structures too rigid to cope with the flexibility and variety of digital music formats.  first it was Napster, and now we have any number of digital music streaming options available to us, not to mention the fact that in the last 10 years we’ve switched from an ‘album’ culture to one of ‘tracks’ and ‘downloads.’

who knows what Mr. Google has in mind, but it would be fascinating to see him revolutionize the ‘suit culture’ of the leviathan EMI into an innovative, forward-thinking competitor in digital music.